I developed acid reflux, and was diagnosed with a bacterial infection in my stomach that required antibiotics, but the problem persisted even after I took the medications. My meal consisted of a small bowl of rice and very light vegetables with almost no salt and oil. I couldn’t touch my favorite coffee or kimchi.

In order to avoid acid reflux from burning my esophagus, every night I had to lean on pillows to sleep. This was very uncomfortable, and the quality of my sleep was very poor.  I often fell half asleep, and woke up at about 3 am, and then couldn’t go back to sleep. At six o ‘clock, I had to get up again for work, and often felt like I hadn’t slept at all. Every day I felt so exhausted and didn’t feel like doing anything when I got home from work.

I desperately tried every available medication for acid reflux, only to be disappointed again and again.

Luckily one of my family members introduced me to Energy Bagua. I learned that the Energy Bagua was very beneficial to health, so I decided to give it a try. Since February of 2016, I started practicing Energy Bagua. Due to my busy work schedule, I could only practice twice a week. Each time I went, I would sweat a lot and feel so relaxed. After two weeks, I found that my facial complexion had improved as it was not as pale and dark as before. These changes made me feel more and more confident in Energy Bagua.

Six months later, a miracle happened. Aside from vegetables, I could eat a whole bowl of rice, and not only that, I could eat my favorite Korean kimchi again! To test out if my stomach was really fine, I also tried a cup of coffee and I didn’t feel any discomfort. I could not believe it to be true. The next day, I tried to drink a cup of coffee again, but I was still fine. At that moment I was sure that my acid reflux was really gone! Since then, I had stopped taking acid blockers *, and I could sleep through the night on my back again!

Now every day, I feel so energetic at work, and when I get off work, I can go home and cook for my family. I feel so grateful and happy!

The intent of the testimonial is to offer wellness information of a general nature. Individual results of practice may vary.