Heavy Stress, Severe Insomnia

When I was in my forties, I needed to support all three of my children through college. I faced enormous financial pressures and had to work night shift long term. My health suffered and gave me multiple warning signs.

Unrelenting pressures of life caused severe insomnia. Every night I tossed and turned for hours in bed not being able to sleep. Shortly after I finally fell asleep, I had to get up and go to the bathroom again. Every night I had to go urinate three to four times. My total amount of sleep was less than three hours per night, and often riddled with restless dreams. Everyday I woke up groggy, my body heavy and limbs weak. Ten years of insomnia gradually worsened, leading to my head feeling numb and painful often. I saw many practitioners both Western and Eastern, and did acupuncture for more than a year, but nothing really helped.

My immune system also weakened. I caught colds all the time, and my hands and feet were icy. All of these problems made my temper terrible. I often unleashed my anger at my family, and made things very tense at home.

Walking Energy Bagua Helped Me Sleep Through The Night

One of my classmates found out I had so many health problems and became very concerned. She recommended trying Bodhi Meditation to improve my health. Since I hadn’t found any solution, I started learning Energy Bagua with a sliver of hope. After two months of walking Energy Bagua , my icy hands and feet became warmer. After three months, my insomnia got significantly better. Instead of sleeping only three hours, I could sleep five hours. Now I can sleep till daybreak and wake up full of energy for the whole day. All of my fatigue vanished. My years of headaches and numbness also went away. My immune system also strengthened. I have still not had a cold for several years. In addition, my astigmatism went away. Even more amazing was that a large brown discoloration I had on my left cheek for ten years disappeared! My complexion was very dull, but now my face looks bright, looking years younger.

I also noticed that I became more tolerant and kind, and no longer lose my temper easily like before. My husband and children are very happy about that! Thank you Bodhi Meditation!

~ The intent of the testimonial is to offer wellness information of a general nature. Individual results of practice may vary.